Robert Ellis: The Why of Your Narrative

Song Credit: “Sweet Time” by Raveena, House Music, 2017

My only regret from this episode was that I should have kept recording our conversation after the interview. 

Stories about his Lost Boy days at Shakir Martial Arts Club or how to hip toss someone with optimal damage. Or stories about his favorite YouTube wormholes and the video games that never cease to amuse. 

But I wanted to be conscientious of his time, considering the 6,000 Application essays Rob Ellis must read. 

I complain when I have 30 papers to grade.   

During childhood, Rob survived because he did what he had to do, but he got to where he is because curiosity filled his sails. Who wouldn’t want to venture beyond the walls of their home -  or in Rob’s case beyond his car doors? At the age of eleven, he counted the cars at the stop light for fun when he and his dad had to live in one for a couple of weeks.  

Now, both as a Northwestern Alumnus and Senior Assistant Director of Admissions, he’s the gatekeeper to your college dreams, kids. But when he’s not raining on parades, Rob visits schools to help the next generation of leaders navigate the initial stages of post-secondary lifestyle. Authenticity works, and storytelling amplifies it, so Rob tries to do that, and the kids listen. 

Even though fans will have disagreements about how Game of Thrones ended, the writers got the sentiment right: “Stories bring people together”. 

Whatever his style is, it’s used to make a point. To answer the “why.” 

From a young man of Harvey to a purple Wildcat, Rob sits on top of desks, admiring the beautiful world from his view.

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